soyuz lift-off expedition
the road to the stars
The Baikonur Cosmodrome
Космодром Байконур
Note March 1, 2022: The attack on Ukraine that has now taken place naturally leads us to decide that we will suspend all activities in Russia and at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for an indefinite period of time.
Here the race into space began in 1957 when the Soviet Union shot the first artificial satellite into the earth orbit. The world was in shock; therefore, one spoke of the "Sputnik shock" because this changed some. Following by Yuri A. Gagarin, the first man in space. That was in April 1961. In June 1963 the next coup: Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to launch into space!
When you are in Baikonur, you feel a kind of power that seems to come from high above. It works like magnetism, and indeed, from here today international crews fly to the International Space Station ISS. Everywhere we go, you feel a unique flair. Yuri Gagarin and the grandiose rocket engineer Sergei Korolev seem to be everywhere we go. The spirits of the past seem to be omnipresent!
Baikonur is located in Kazakhstan, which is 11 times bigger than Germany. Two hundred kilometres east of the Aral Sea lies the legendary Cosmodrome, which for many years was one of the best-kept secrets of the Soviet Union.
We are curious to see what will be revealed to us here. History and future lie buried here in the endless steppes: 7,700 square kilometres, 90 kilometres in width and 85 kilometres from north to south.
We are here to explore Baikonur! Let's go!
The next Expedition
SPACE AFFAIRS Baikonur Expedition Crew Soyuz MS-21

March 15 to March 20, 2022 (TBD)
Oleg Artemyev, RSA (RUS) - Denis Matveev, RSA (RUS) - Sergey Korsakov, RSA (RUS)Participation Closure Date: Cancelled